Oxygene Workwear is committed to the application of good social and environmental practices to comply with the requirements of the various standards and the laws in force.
We continuously improve our company’s working environment and bring extra focus to our staff and their families.
Traditional lighting is replaced by LED lamps to reduce any negative impact on the environment.
We use wear-resistant fabrics that can undergo industrial bleaching according to ISO 15797 method 8, which pass through a tumble- dryer or a tunnel finisher.
All packaging is made with recyclable material. The waste is treated in specialized factories before being recycled.
Our staff
Thanks to the very well-researched ergonomics of positions and the organization of working time, our employees feel more comfortable during their duties’ performance.
Enhance skills and provide alternating training between the company and training centers in order to promote youth employment.
Our company’s success depends on a thrived employee in the factory and with his family.
We are always focusing on our staff and we offer financial assistance and advice when needed. At our annual party, we support our employees' children
Involvement in community life is essential for our company.
We support sports associations as well as those related to people with disabilities.